Car accidents in California may be avoided or minimized if we just drive defensively. There are a lot of times where accidents and consequently injuries can be avoided if we just maintain a cool head and give way to other drivers who have the same right as ours to use the road.
Section 21801A of the California Vehicle Code penalizes the failure to yield to oncoming traffic at any time where entry into an intersection would be so close that such entry may cause an accident.
An example of this violation is when a vehicle is waiting to make a left turn toward let us say at Cadillac St. When the person has already entered the intersection to turn left another vehicle refused to give way and continue on the opposite direction plowing into the vehicle that was already in the middle of the intersection.
As you can see, accident could have been avoided if the party at fault just allowed a couple of seconds to let the other vehicle pass. If the reason of the party at fault was that he is trying to catch an appointment, look at what happened to him now. Aside from loss of time due to the traffic collision, the party at fault is now faced with a lot of liability claims, not to mention injuries to himself and others as well as possible sanction by authorities for recklessly endangering the lives of others.
If you are hurrying in your way to an appointment, just want to save time or plainly having a bad day; don’t try to take it out on the road. The saying that patience is a virtue is not a popular adage for nothing.