A lot of people, especially in California, prefer motorcycles as a mode of transport more and more each year. The increases in heavy traffic as well as the growing costs of the prices of vehicles and gas prices are also factors which make a lot of people in California drive bikes more than their regular cars.
However, a lot of bike riders still refuse to wear helmets while riding their bikes. They have a lot of petty and sometimes misconceived reasons for not wearing helmets. The pettiest is that helmets ruin their hair. Another is that they want their faces to be seen while riding their expensive bikes. We all know that when accident happens, the head of the biker is almost always the part where serious injuries are sustained.
Some bikers say that helmets tend to obstruct their visions on the road making it more dangerous to ride with helmets on. Others even say that it lessens their hearing of important traffic sounds like the honking of horns. These, however, are entirely baseless.
What is established is the fact that the use of helmets is the single most critical protection in preventing serious neck and head injuries during motorcycle accidents. Also, the use of full faced helmets increases protection from face injuries.
Also, contrary to those who oppose using helmets while riding their bikes, helmets prevent the eyes from being whipped by air or other particles that causes impairment of vision.
If you want to ride your bike, there is no better protection than wearing helmets while you ride. If you want to be cool with your face intact, get yourself an expensive helmet rather than spending your money on your surgery.